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Werner Herzog - Of Walking In Ice


The diary was written and takes place between November 23 and December 14, 1974. In the foreword, Herzog says that he received a call from a friend in Paris, informing him that his close friend, the German film historian Lotte H. Eisner, was ill and dying. Herzog was determined to prevent this, and believed that an act of walking would keep Eisner from death.[2] He took a jacket, a compass and a duffel bag of the barest essentials and, wearing a pair of new boots, set off on a three-week pilgrimage from Munich to Paris through the deep chill and snowstorms of winter.[2]

In late November 1974, filmmaker Werner Herzog received a phone call from Paris delivering terrible news. German film historian, mentor, and close friend Lotte Eisner was seriously ill and dying. Herzog was determined to prevent her death and believed that an act of walking would keep Eisner alive. He took a jacket, a compass, and a duffel bag of the barest essentials and, wearing a pair of new boots, set off on a three-week pilgrimage from Munich to Paris through the deep chill and snowstorms of winter.

Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice

Surely the strangest, strongest walking book I know, it tells the story of a winter pilgrimage, made in desperation and in hope. At once a diary, a blizzard of weather and memories, and the record of a ritual: only Herzog could have written this weird, slender classic.

Locandina del filmNell'inverno del 1974, Werner Herzog si mette in cammino, a piedi, da Monaco verso Parigi, per fare un voto laico: salvare la vita della sua amica Lotte Eisner, malata. Di quel viaggio ne scrive un libro. Bellissimo*. Nell'inverno del 2020 il giovane regista spagnolo Pablo Maqueda si mette in cammino, a piedi, sugli stessi sentieri, per amore verso Herzog, "per l'amore verso il cinema". Di quel viaggio ne gira un film. Noiosissimo.Il regista cammina e nel frattempo legge pezzi del suo diario intervallandoli in sovraimpressione con brani dal libro di Herzog, ogni tanto letti da Herzog stesso. Legge, monotono, monocorde, pensa, parla a Herzog, attraversa paesaggi bui, freddi, senza attrattive; riprende il cammino per lunghi tratti in soggettiva con telecamera in testa, spesso si riprende i piedi, il selciato, i sassi del sentiero, l'erba del prato, spesso sfocati, insiste sulla corteccia di un albero. La telecamera va su e giù col ritmo dei suoi passi (nausea).La leggerezza profonda di herzog, la poesia, non le ho trovate; le immagini che herzog evoca con le sue parole, nemmeno. Forse è un film importante, forse non l'ho capito io, ma l'ho trovato una barba, uno di quei film da cineforum anni 70 quando non si aveva il coraggio di dire: macheduepalle! e si stava a discutere all'infinito sul linguaggio cinematografico, sulla tematica, sulle citazioni colte.

In late November 1974, filmmaker Werner Herzog received a phone call from Paris delivering some terrible news. German film historian, mentor, and close friend Lotte Eisner was seriously ill and dying. Herzog was determined to prevent this and believed that an act of walking would keep Eisner from death. He took a jacket, a compass, and a duffel bag of the barest essentials, and wearing a pair of new boots, set off on a three-week pilgrimage from Munich to Paris through the deep chill and snowstorms of winter. 2ff7e9595c

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