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Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory Djvu File: A Practical and Easy-to-Follow QFT Textbook


Volume 2 of Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory (subtitled The Standard Model) is a graduate level physics text that picks up where the popular first volume (subtitled Basic Principles and QED) leaves off. It covers the electroweak and strong interactions, as well as a detailed introduction to the path integral formulation of quantum field theory.

These lecture notes are based on an introductory course on quantum field theory, aimed at Part III (i.e. masters level) students. The full set of lecture notes can be downloaded here, together with videos of the course when it was repeated at the Perimeter Institute. Individual sections can be downloaded below.

Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory Djvu File

  • 1. Classical Field Theory: Postscript&nbsp PDF Table of Contents; Introduction; Lagrangian Field Theory; Lorentz Invariance;Noether's Theorem and Conserved Currents; Hamiltonian Field Theory.

  • 2. Canonical Quantization: Postscript&nbsp PDF The Klein-Gordon Equation, The SimpleHarmonic Oscillator; Free Quantum Fields; Vacuum Energy; Particles;Relativistic Normalization; Complex Scalar Fields; The Heisenberg Picture;Causality and Propagators; Applications; Non-Relativistic Field Theory

  • 3. Interacting Fields: Postscript&nbsp PDF Types of Interaction; The InteractionPicture; Dyson's Formula; Scattering; Wick's Theorem; Feynman Diagrams; FeynmanRules; Amplitudes; Decays and Cross Sections; Green's Functions; Connected Diagramsand Vacuum Bubbles;Reduction Formula

  • 4. The Dirac Equation: Postscript&nbsp PDF The Lorentz Group; Clifford Algebras;The Spinor Representation; The Dirac Lagrangian; Chiral Spinors; The WeylEquation; Parity; Majorana Spinors; Symmetries and Currents; Plane Wave Solutions.

  • 5. Quantizing the Dirac Field: Postscript&nbsp PDF A Glimpse at the Spin-Statistics Theorem; Fermionic Quantization; Fermi-DiracStatistics; Propagators; Particles and Anti-Particles; Dirac's HoleInterpretation; Feynman Rules

  • 6. Quantum Electrodynamics: Postscript&nbsp PDF Gauge Invariance; Quantization; Inclusion of Matter -- QED; Lorentz InvariantPropagators; Feynman Rules; QED Processes.

  • Problem SheetsProblem Sheet 1: Postscript&nbsp PDF Classical Field Theory

  • Problem Sheet 2: Postscript&nbsp PDF Quantizing the Scalar Field

  • Problem Sheet 3: Postscript&nbsp PDF The Dirac Equation

  • Problem Sheet 4: Postscript&nbsp PDF Scattering Amplitudes

  • Quantum Field Theory on the WebQuantum Field Theory by Michael Luke.

  • Fields by Warren Siegel.

  • Quantum Condensed MatterField Theory by Ben Simons

Errata for the book by Peskin and Schroeder Philip Tanedo, who took this course long ago, has put together auseful literature review of quantum field theory textbooks.

The late Sidney Coleman taught the quantum field theory course at Harvardfor many years, influencing a generation of physicists in the waythey view and teach QFT. Below you can find the pdf files of handwrittenlecture notes for Coleman's course (transcribed by Brian Hill). The notes come in two largefiles, each around 6.5 Mb.

This text provides an introduction to partial differential equations and boundary value problems, including Fourier series. The treatment offers students a smooth transition from a course in elementary ordinary differential equations to more advanced topics in a first course in partial differential equations. This widely adopted and successful book also serves as a valuable reference for engineers and other professionals. The approach emphasizes applications, with particular stress on physics and engineering applications. Rich in proofs and examples, the treatment features many exercises in each section. Relevant Mathematica files are available for download from author Nakhlé Asmar's website; however, the book is completely usable without computer access. The Students' Solutions Manual can be downloaded for free from the Dover website, and the book includes information on how instructors may request the Instructor Solutions Manual. The text is suitable for undergraduates in mathematics, physics, engineering, and other fields who have completed a course in ordinary differential equations. Dover republication of the 2005 edition originally published by Pearson/Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, with minor revisions.

Quantum field theory is a powerful framework that extends quantum mechanics in ways that are essential in many modern applications. While it is the fundamental formalism for the study of many areas of physics, quantum field theory requires a different way of thinking, and many newcomers to the subject struggle with the transition from quantum mechanics. A Prelude to Quantum Field Theory introduces the key concepts of quantum field theory in a brief and accessible manner while never sacrificing mathematical rigor. The result is an easy-to-use textbook that distills the most general properties of the theory without overwhelming beginning students with more advanced applications.

A really good (1983) book is by Wheeler and Zurek, "The quantum theory of measurement" available as a djvu file at _JA_Zurek_WH_eds_Quan.html (8 MB, wait 30 sec for the download). [Now if I can only figure out how to work a reader for a Mac ...] 2ff7e9595c

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